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Animal Crossing New Horizons Dodo Code en Azerbaiyán

Puedes abrir tu isla para mostrársela a tus amigos en Animal Crossing: Nuevos Horizontes! Esto se hace usando un Código Dodo o el código de amigo, y lo contrario también es cierto: ¡puedes visitar las islas de tus amigos en Azerbaiyán! Entre otras cosas, esto te permitirá cosechar recursos que no tienes, como por ejemplo ciertas frutas. Ven y pasa tu código dodo 2025 de Animal Crossing, esta aplicación se ha hecho para obtener sólo códigos de amigo recientes, así que no dudes en compartir tu código de dodo de Annimal Crossing y usar todos los códigos de amigo que veas! Encuentra nuevos amigos y juega con ellos en Animal Crossing New Horizons! Todo lo que tienes que hacer es seleccionar "Recibir visitas" de Morris en el aeropuerto. Una vez más, puedes elegir abrir tus puertas a todos o restringir el acceso sólo a tus mejores amigos o a los jugadores con tu Código Dodo.

Añadir mi código

Sólo se mostrarán los códigos recientes, vuelva más tarde para renovar su código ;)

Últimos códigos añadidos

Aún no se ha agregado ningún código.

Últimas noticias

hace 2 meses

Hi, everyone! We did it! We finally reached the very last month of 2024—some may say the best month of the year. We have Toy Day celebrations and the New Year's Eve Countdown to look forward to, so I hope you're ready to make some memories! Let's end 2024 on a high note!

hace 2 meses

Gobble, gobble! Happy Turkey Day, everyone! Round up your best Turkey Day dishes, and come celebrate the season in the plaza! It may be a weekday, but we're keeping this party going all the way to midnight!

hace 2 meses

Hi, everyone! GET READY! The big Nook Friday sale is starting today at Nook's Cranny! You won't believe it—all items are 30 percent off! Don't worry if you can't make it in today...the sale will run through the end of the month. I hope you find something you love!

hace 2 meses

Hi, everyone! If you want to celebrate the Japanese holiday Shichi-Go-San, you can pick up chitose ame candy from Nook Shopping anytime between now and November 20th. Remember—you can celebrate Shichi-Go-San at any age, so please enjoy!

hace 2 meses

Hello, everyone, and happy November! There's nothing like an evening stroll to keep you moving. Luckily, starting today, handheld lanterns are available for purchase in Nook Shopping until November 11th! Imagine how cozy it'll be to add some lantern light to your walk!

hace 2 meses

Happy Halloween, everyone! Hope you have a frightfully delightful day! Stop by your island between 5 PM and 12 AM for costumes, candy hunting, and more!

hace 2 meses

Have you checked out Nook Shopping lately? Starting today, marigold decorations will be available until November 3rd! Marigold flowers are commonly used to decorate for Day of the Dead, which is a traditional Mexican holiday held November 1st and 2nd each year.

hace 2 meses

Calling all eager anglers! The final Fishing Tourney of the year is happening today from 9 AM to 6 PM! Depending on your hemisphere, you'll get to enjoy either a fall or spring tourney. If you ask me, both seasons are equally beautiful! Enjoy!

hace 2 meses

Happy October, friends! Did you pick out your costume yet? Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself...but we ARE getting ready for Halloween! Keep an eye out for candy in the shop, and don't miss pumpkin starts at Leif's. Grab these treats while you can! No tricks here, I promise!

hace 2 meses

Hello to all my northern-hemisphere dwellers! I'll try not to bug you too much, but the Bug-Off is running today until 6 PM! This is the final event of the tourney season, so bee sure to take advantage of it!

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